Month: July 2024

What I Love About the Sex Industry

As you know, I am a lady of the night. An escort, a prostitute, hooker, harlot, whatever you want to call me. I’m not new to the sex industry, which I explained a bit in a previous post. If you can’t be bothered to read the previous post, I get it. But here is a […]

Forbidden Fridays #1

Happy naughty Friday everyone! Hopefully you have some sexy plans for your weekend?  Anyway, I wanted to start a new regular series where I share my naughty findings of the week. I found this image on the book of face (Facebook) I have two questions. Number one: what past events happened to make the management […]

What a Woman Wants to Hear In Bed

Have you ever wondered what a woman might want to hear when it comes to those *ahem* naughty bedroom antics? I’m sure we all have at some point! As an escort, I want to give you my perspective. Since every day is a learning day ‘an all that! More importantly though, I think it’s really […]

The Very First of Many Musings

It’s currently 5.10pm at the time of writing this and I’ve spent most of the day in bed. Does that make me lazy? I wonder to myself. Well, unfortunately, this morning I was struck down with some kind of sickness, and spent the morning bent over the loo (TMI?!). For this reason, I’ve instead spent […]

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