Category: Musings

Quick Update

Hi all, Firstly, yes, I’m still alive, incase you were wondering. Secondly, I’ve really struggled to even log in to WordPress and my hosting (how I run this blog), let alone write a blog post. Before, I’d log in daily to check out page views, read and reply to comments, find inspiration for blog posts, […]

Video Updates!

Following my update yesterday (read here), I’ve been making more videos! The first one was to try and summarise my blog: I really like how this has come out. Might change the name of the blog to ‘Life With Lexi Rose’… it’s got a bit of a ring to it! Anyway. This second one I […]

Branching Out? Plus Updates

As I sit here on this rainy, cold Wednesday, I’ve been thinking about the direction I want this blog to go in. You may have also noticed a slight shift in the layout and content of the blog over the past few days. I’ve removed a few pages and made wording changes here and there. […]

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