Life as a sex blogger involves many mundane activities.
This little space on the net has been created for the times when I want to share silly, and often irrelevant details to my life.
I want you to experience (whether you care to read, or not) the minor and insignificant details of my everyday life.
Oh, and also, social media doesn’t tend to like adult content so at the very least, this can be my surrogate social media feed for you all. I’m so smart π
Strap yourself in, because you’re in for a wild ride!
This video really resonated with me today (through FB):
Wow, it’s December already!
I’ve been trying to make my little fireplace a bit more festive, and a little Christmas tree is arriving tomorrow.
What do you think?

The blog has been surprisingly viewed over 1000 times in the past 30 days! This, in part, as a result of one specific blog post being shared on Substack (I wrote about this on a recent post here). Ignoring that, and the blog is still viewed between 20 and 100 times a day.
Still completely blown away by that, but very happy all the same π

Two brothers β€οΈ they fight, groom, play and sleep together. These two are part of a trio that live with me. Such cutie-pies!
I found this really great post on how to communicate with an escort. Well worth a read!
Master Escort Communication: Confidence, Ettiquette and Unforgettable Experiences
Just gave myself a bit of a fright – I thought that my email newsletter provider had deleted my account! Adult content tends to be frowned upon with a lot of providers, so thought it was because of this.
Don’t worry, though. It was just my stupidity and me forgetting which email I used to sign up π€¦ββοΈ
As you were.
Saw this on Facebook and it made me smile!

Nerdy moment – just ordered myself a proper *expensive* planner to organise my life!

Nerd moment over!
What is this cat doing??


Sniggering reference to a recent blog post.
Went for a lovely walk today around Wollaton Park:

There’s nothing like having this sort of park on your doorstep β€οΈ
It’s been a while since a had a mundane update!
1. I’m going back to supply teaching which I’m looking forward to!
Would anyone be interested in writing a guest post for this blog?
If you’re interested, please do email me with your ideas and samples. Contact me here.
Themes/content could include:
- Sex toy reviews (especially male sex toys)
- Sharing stories and experiences with escorts/as an escort
- Cultural perspectives around escorting (both as a punter or escort)
Those are just a few ideas I’ve had, but I’m absolutely open to anything you want to share.
Let me know!

Just something for *a minority of you reading this* to digest π
Gizmo’s legs looked so derpy that I had to take multiple pictures and then make a GIF.

The blog continues to get fantastic reviews from people, of which I am still blown away by!
This is a snippet from an email I got, which has really made my day:
“I have just read and admired the best profile of all time… You come across as a very intelligent and genuine young lady”
Thank you!
In other news…
Just a little bit proud of this since I flipping hate taking my own picture π
It’s 6.30pm now and I’ve just discovered I put my pants on the wrong way around…
This was a delightful message I received at 01:00 just now:
There are a few points to digest here:
- “I want a piece of that ass”
- “Where are you”
- “IAM hard and ready”
If you have any form of respect for me, you’ll never address me in this way.
And the response to my reply, “So sorry.”
Oh, fuck off. Don’t emotionally manipulate me.
On that note… Don’t hound me with messages, finally telling me I’m purposely ignoring you; in your opinion.
Then, don’t threaten me with negative feedback because I’ve not replied to you.
Emotional blackmail doesn’t work on me, love. ππ
If you want to read more on this topic, click here.
Decided to take a walk around Wollaton Park today! Gor a few miles done and took a few photos:

Embarrassed for those that are actually educated in the UK right now:

I started this blog 9 days ago and as of right now, at 12.15am, this what I can see:

I am absolutely delighted by these numbers! Thank you to each and every person that has tuned in to read my mediocre, sarcastic and often too honest writing β€οΈ
Keyboard update: the keyboard now has a mind of its own. When typing, it includes random letters and spaces. ‘Spose that’s what I get for buying a keyboard for a tenner ha.
The sky was particularly beautiful tonight!

My keyboard is working again! Think the wine had finally evaporated π
I’ve also been feeling a bit gross in myself recently so I’ve signed up to a gym, am eating healthier and looking forward to getting out of the house a bit more. This was tonight’s dinner:

Just a cat enjoying his towel

Further cat conundrum

*Update on blogging setup*
I spilt wine on my brand new keyboard (I’ve only owned it a day), and it is now broken.
Such is my life π
My current blog-writing setup:

This professional setup involves:
– Bluetooth wireless keyboard
– Five year old tablet
– Phone stand that shouldn’t be used for five-year-old tablets
– Amazon packaging to stabilise the stand holding the five-year-old tablet, phone stand and balanced precariously on my lap.
Ridiculously amazing, I know.
*The End*
(For now)