Misconceptions About Being a Sex Worker/Escort

Welcome back to another insight into the life of an escort. I’m your host, Lexi Rose, ready to give you a run down on today’s top news stories.

Okay, so maybe I wanted to be a news/weather presenter at one point 😂

In other news, I’d like to talk about another really important topic in the underground (is it really though?) world today that few understand, unless you’re actively involved in it, punter or service provider alike.

We’re talking about misconceptions in the adult industry, specifically those surrounding sex works/escorts. As I said in a previous post (you can read it here), this blog of mine is going to touch on dark, deep and sometimes uncomfortable topics. This post might be considered one of those.

There are many of them, and they come from a wide variety of sources and avenues.

But, these are just a few that I have come across. These are misconceptions that people have around escorts specifically, since I currently work in that industry. Im not just talking in person, it also applies in the social media and online sphere.

So lets get into it.

1. I’m doing it just for the money

Okay so. Yes, the money is good. Yes, I can earn a weekly wage in the space of a few hours (that’s if the work comes in – it can be extremely hit and miss). Oh, and yes, there are definitely service providers that do not enjoy the work and it shows.

However, we all exchange our time for money, don’t we? I choose to do this work because I like to make people happy. I provide emotional support, advice, comfort, companionship, and much more.

So no, I don’t just do it for the money, I do it for the sense of accomplishment I get from it. I know I’m making people happy. That beats a 9-5, don’t you think?

2. I’m doing it out of desperation/money

If you read my first ever blog post (read here), you’ll know that there were weeks I only had £5 to feed myself for a whole week whilst being a very very poor student.

So, yes, then I did sex work/webcam work/webchat work out of pure desperation.

Today though, I have a masters degree as well as a bachelor of science degree and I still chose to be an escort.

Why would I chose this line of work? It’s because it makes me happy. It’s because I make other people happy.

And I absolutely love that part of my job.

3. That I don’t have boundaries/I can be ‘talked around’ or ‘broken down’

I really don’t like my boundaries being crossed. Don’t just ‘slip a finger in’ to test the waters. I agree that some women might be okay with you paying more for a bit of bum play, but I don’t. As I’ve said in a past post Read here), anal *for me* needs prep work. It needs trust and it needs consent. TMI but if I need to go for a number two, do you really think I want to be doing anal play?

Do not try and talk me around – it definitely will not work.

4. I don’t enjoy my job

As mentioned above, there might be some that really don’t enjoy the sex work they are involved with. I get this. But is it only because we all would prefer to not work at all? Of course none of us would want to exchange money for labour!

I’m not here to convince you that I’m not an all-singing-all-dancing escort, all of the time, because I’m not. There are days when I just want to stay in bed. When the last thing I want to be doing is providing the service I do.

What I do know is that when I’m with my clients, they get all of me. There are times when the text exchanges I have with my clients mean more than anything, whether a booking occurs or not.

Would I do that if I didn’t take my role seriously and didn’t enjoy it? I’ll let you think about that.

5. Its transactional – I charge for every extra thing

Recent feedback has told me that I’m on the top end of someone in my location for the size and look of me.

I can’t say that those comments didn’t hurt, because they did. As an escort, I’m reduced to my looks and body weight, and it’s completely understandable.

But what I do know is that my fee is higher because I don’t charge for a kiss, french kiss, heck even a cuddle. When I say at discretion, it means at discretion. It also covers my petrol costs so I don’t have to ask for more to get to you.

I’ve done my market research and there are plenty of service providers that start low and have add ons. THAT IS TOTALLY OKAY. They have every right to do so. Their business, their prices.

So. I hope that this post has given you an honest insight into the misconceptions around being an escort, or at least spending time with one. Yes, I’ve probably shared some harsh ideas around it, but I’m not one to beat around the bush.

Until next time…

Lots of love

Lexi Rose xx


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