Have you ever wondered what a woman might want to hear when it comes to those *ahem* naughty bedroom antics?
I’m sure we all have at some point!
As an escort, I want to give you my perspective. Since every day is a learning day ‘an all that! More importantly though, I think it’s really important that sharing what an escort really wants to hear in bed is as important as me wanting to know your needs.
So, I thought I’d put a quick list together which explains the things *I personally* love to hear in bed. As always, my experience will not be the same for all women. But, in my three decades of experiencing sex and intimacy in bed, these are the things I wish everybody knew when in bed with me.
1. Tell me what you like
I think that it’s really important to communicate, and not just with an escort, in the bedroom.
So, the first thing I always like to find out is what you enjoy doing. Now – I know some people find this really awkward and I totally get it. But, there’s no reason to be embarrassed about the things you enjoy, especially when it comes to being with an escort.
Have a think about the things you search for when looking at porn. Do you search for the boss/secretary fantasy (like I do hehe)? Do you like seeing girl on girl action? Do you like seeing women squirting? I find when I ask this question it really helps me understand the things that turns you on.
Telling me this really helps me to adapt to the situation and may lead to some fun role plays!

2. Tell me what you don’t like
Along with the above, it’s even more important to know and communicate what you don’t like.
Boundaries are extremely important to me, and to any woman you end up in bed with. Respecting boundaries is number one with any funky time in bed. ALWAYS respect that.
So, here are a few things that you may not be comfortable with (and that is totally okay too!):
- No anal: not everyone is into anal. It also requires preparation, depends on the time of day and a number of other factors
- No kissing: again not everyone likes kissing and would rather reserve this for other situations
- Spanking, slapping, hair pulling: these are classed as fetishes so as you can imagine, this may be a no-no. Granted, these are very animalistic behaviours and could be a huge turn on for the man or woman, but it’s important to know this whilst in bed.
3. Vocalise that you are enjoying what I’m doing
I cannot stress this enough: show me that you are enjoying yourself!
There’s nothing more satisfying knowing that what we are doing together is being enjoyed by you. Think of it this way – would you like it if the woman you’re with was completely silent, making no sounds whatsoever? Just laying there? It would be a huge turn off.
And I get it – if you’re doing your thing down there and your tongue is currently busy, it might be difficult to make any sounds of enjoyment.
But even if its just a few moans here and there, or grabbing my stomach or hips and giving me a quick squeeze, it shows me that you’re enjoying yourself.
It’s important to me knowing that you’re enjoying yourself.

4. Being told what to do
Some woman like to do the directing, and some like to be told what to do. Some like a bit of both. Personally for me, I like a bit of both.
However, there’s nothing more freeing than being told what to do. Being able to take any decisions out of any situation really suits me. Remember, what I personally enjoy may not be the same for all women.
But, this is something worth bearing in mind, and again communicating together.
So, as you can imagine, communication is so so important when you’re in bed with a woman. All of the above is based on my personal perspective, but communication is key here. We didn’t develop language to not use it, surely?!
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this, I’ve certainly enjoyed writing this on a very boring (and poorly Lexi) Thursday evening.
Do you have any other ideas on what you’d want to hear in bed?
Let me know in the comments (you need a an account to be able to do this)
Lexi Rose xx