This blog post has been shared by a client of mine who has written before for other call girls that write sex blogs. You can read his other post here – it’s a good read and gives you an insight into the writer.
This post is all about the G spot. I may end up writing a follow up to this post, but for now I just wanted to share it. I have made a few edits to fit in with the blog.
Hope you enjoy!

We live in a world of equal opportunities and third-wave feminists quite rightly so. Glass ceilings must be smashed, like in the last scene in the original Willy Wonker Film (Gene Wilder) when the elevator smashes through the ceiling of the factory.
I find in the field of human sexuality, there is a G-spot inequality between women and men.
If you picked up any back issues of Take a Break, Chat or UK Cosmopolitan pre-internet, read for free in any respectable dentist or GP’s surgery waiting room.
There were many thousands of words written about the female G spot and the clitoris, much of the internet still focuses on these biological pleasure points for women which is brilliant, it has spawned a multi-billion pound toy industry in which many a woman single and married has benefited.
I once read that more people attended Anne’s summer parties at their peak than attended home games at Old Trafford Manchester United’s home ground.

Men have a G spot too but it is not talked about as much. It is getting better, though.
The male G spot is a walnut-shaped organ called the prostate and if it is stimulated in the right way it can deliver an intense orgasm for a male partner.
But, because it is situated inside the anus there is always perceived issues around faeces and males thinking there must be some correlation between liking your prostate being stimulated and homosexual tendencies.
Let’s smash the G-spot pleasure ceiling together through honest communication acceptance and empathy.

Lexi Rose back here now.
Let’s talk a little bit more about the male G spot. describes the male G spot as below:
Located inside of your rectum, the “male G-spot” can be one of the body’s many erogenous zones—meaning that it’s a sensitive area of the body that can lead to sexual arousal when it’s stimulated.
In other words, stimulating your penis isn’t the only way to have an orgasm.
When I was escorting, and being involved in the sex world, the phenomenon of the male G spot was much less talked about.
I don’t think there was ever a time that I was asked about it during my call girl outings. Tell a lie – it was asked for once, and I had no idea what the hell I was doing. He asked me for a prostrate massage.
I’m sure it was deeply unsatisfying for the man in question at the time, but he never said anything to say otherwise at the time.
Nowadays, there is so much more to learn and to talk about when it comes to the prostrate.

So, in celebration of the male G spot, I’ve compiled a list of articles you can view at your own leisure:
Healthine: Everything You Need to Know About the ‘Male G-Spot’
Numan: Discovering the male G-spot: a beginner’s guide to prostate stimulation
GQ: Everything you ever wanted to ask about the male G-spot
forhims: What the Hell Is My “P-Spot” and How Can I Find It?
There are plenty more, but here is a little sample for you.
What are your thoughts?
Should we be talking about the male G spot/P spot more? Does it make you gay if you enjoy this part of your sexual exploration (hint: it doesn’t)?
Lexi Rose