Forbidden Fridays #19

Good evening all and happy Friday!

Can you believe this little series I made up in my head for the blog is on number 19? That means nineteen weeks in a row!

That’s longer than any significant commitment to something I’ve ever made, probably in my whole life.

This one is going to be short and sweet today. Mostly because my brain is ready to turn off and it’s been a full on week.

Oh, and I’ve spent probably 4-5 hours making videos that come to a grand total of 2.5 minutes. Yes, they really do take that long! But I loved it, nethertheless.

Anyway, let’s get stuck in with the completely useless and irrelevant things I’ve found over the past week!

Photo credit: on

As you might know, I’ve been writing my own erotica. So, far, so good! Thank you to everyone for reading and enjoying.

Shameless plug: read the full version (so far – I update after writing each part) here. Or, if you’d rather read in bits, here are the parts so far: part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4.

If you’re reading this well after me posting this (29th November 2024) and want to make sure you’re up to date with it, I recommend checking out this compilation post I made that I keep mostly up-to-date.

I got a bit side-tracked there. The reason for mentioning that is that you needn’t look too far to find some of the horrendous erotica that has been written in times gone by.

If you like listening to audio books, here’s an erotica you might enjoy:

“Ravished By The Triceratops” – A terrible erotic story narrated Youtubers ‘Nerdcubed’ and ‘Emma Blackery’ for your enjoyment.

Click here to view directly in YouTube

There are more terrible erotic stories out there. Stories that I would absolutely hate for my erotica to be compared to.

*Cough* Fifty Shades *cough*

Since you asked, here are more for your viewing delight:

“At this, Eliza and Ezra rolled together into the one giggling snowball of full-figured copulation, screaming and shouting as they playfully bit and pulled at each other in a dangerous and clamorous rollercoaster coil of sexually violent rotation with Eliza’s breasts barrel-rolled across Ezra’s howling mouth and the pained frenzy of his bulbous salutation extenuating his excitement as it whacked and smacked its way into every muscle of Eliza’s body except for the otherwise central zone.”


Here’s another one:

“Eat me, drink me; thirsty, cankered, I go back and back to him to have his fingers strip the tattered skin away and clothe me in his dress of water, this garment that drenches me, its slithering odor, its capacity for drowning.” – Angela Carter, The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories

I might be wrong, and please do correct me if I am, but I’m pretty sure those two examples were written by men.


Photo credit: hydrowing on VisualHunt
Looking for pick-up lines? Yeah, me either.

But, here’s one for you, alternative version:

If I could rearrange the alphabet,  I’d take U and put you right up my arse.

And, finally.

Image source: hard to pinpoint the real source, but I found an example of this on


That’s all for now!

Have a fab evening and weekend all!

Ta ta,

Lexi Rose



  1. avatar
    Richard says:

    I think your erotica is safe to from entering any charts for bad erotica (maybe you should start a chart).
    Only odd thing in your story is the comment about being unprofessional about getting an errection in a meeting (I can’t remember the words exactly). Trust me when I say any meeting you would go into at work there will be at least 1 guy who is at least at half mast probably a full on errection we just don’t have the control expected lol.

    Sorry now your going to be playing spot the boner when you have a meeting now!
    The giveaway is carrying books, clipboard into the meeting at crotch level 😉

    1. avatar
      roselexi164 says:

      Ah I didn’t know this! Although I have heard that men get erections on buses, something to do with the vibrations! I’ll have to keep an eye out from now on 😂


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