The 411: Ask Me Anything

Have you ever wanted to get the lowdown on an escort? Do you have any burning questions you’d want to ask a sex worker?

This is your chance!

Rather than an interview-type post, I wanted to spend some time answering some of your questions that you have around the sex industry or sex workers.

I realised that before I could even do this, you’d need somewhere to fire these questions at me!

I’ve tested the system and you are able to comment under this post without having to leave any incriminating details about yourself.

When you leave a comment, it does ask you to leave an email so you’re notified of any replies. I don’t get to see this, and it doesn’t get shown as part of the comment.

I’ve got no way of knowing who you are if you want to stay anonymous, which is totally okay.

Trust me, I have no interest in finding out who you are, but I am VERY interested in any questions you might have.

Hopefully that negates any apprehensions you have about staying anonymous.

Now – there are some rules!

1. Every comment I get on this blog is sent to me for approval. Therefore, if I think your comment or question isn’t appropriate or that I might get flagged to my hosters, I’m not going to allow it to be shown under the post.

You must know that although I’m hosted by an adult-friendly hoster (I spent a lot of time finding the right host and don’t want to jeopardise that), there are certain things you just can’t publish.

Don’t be surprised if you notice your comment isn’t showing and I’ve not addressed it on the follow-up post.

2. If your comment is showing under this post, we’ll done – you’ve made it to the next round!

There might be a chance that I don’t address the question in the follow up post. Please don’t come for me with forks and daggers!

Each post I write has had an inordinate amount of time spent on it which includes ensuring it is right for my beloved audience.


If you’d rather email or text your question over, I completely understand. Click here to find my contact details. As you can imagine, discretion is paramount for me, too.

And that’s it! The final post will be written ready for the 10th August.

Now, get commenting with your questions below! I can’t wait to hear what questions you have.


Lexi Rose xx


  1. avatar
    Baz says:

    Is that first new visit still thrilling?
    How about if you see a “regular”
    In my experience the first time is still thrilling
    Was just curious to get your perspective

  2. avatar
    Nigel says:

    Do you think since the rise of sites such as OnlyFans etc, that sex work has become more acceptable in the eyes of society? Prostitution (I hate that word) is the world’s oldest profession, and has always had a stigma attached to it, but it seems you can’t go on Instagram or Tiktok these days without seeing girls who have an OnlyFans.
    I’d be interested in your opinion.

    1. avatar
      roselexi164 says:

      Hi Nigel, defo one for my post next week. It’ll end up being addressed as a new article around Onlyfans (something that’s been on my mind recently 😂). Thank you!

  3. avatar
    mark says:

    Hi Lexi, great blog which I have enjoyed reading.
    One thing that I’ve always wanted to ask is this.
    Would you ever meet a regular customer outside of the sex-worker / customer dynamic (not as a “date” – but more like two friends going for a drink). I’ve often wondered if sex-workers can be friends / friendly with their customers away from the provision of a service, or would that be overstepping a professional boundary?

  4. avatar
    Scott says:

    Really great blog and some interesting stuff.
    As a customer/pundit, there’s always the thought in the back of my mind there could be an element of danger due to not knowing the person, as the person who provides the service, is this something you wrestle with in your mind?

    The second question is, if you don’t find the client/customer particularly attractive, how do you motivate yourself to engage in the booking? Do you have some coping mechanism?

  5. avatar
    M says:

    What’s your stance on independent review sites such as punternet or ukpunting?

    Do you find escort forums such as escortinghub or saafe helpful/beneficial?

    1. avatar
      roselexi164 says:

      When I first got into the sex industry, SAAFE forum really helped me when avoiding time wasters, how to keep safe and getting advice. I would 100% recommend it to anyone (men and women) because the advice and information on there is just fantastic.

      The review sites… not so much. I’ve read through quite a few reviews of escorts (including one of mine), and through various positive, neutral and negative reviews. The way its written can come across as quite demeaning and objectifying, but it is the nature of the business so I go in with my eyes open.

      I couldn’t put any numbers to it but I know that escorts regularly read their forums, so men shouldn’t be surprised to know that.

      What are your thoughts on those two you mentioned? Really interesting question!

      1. avatar
        M says:

        ukpunting has helped me make choices on who to book. I always look to see if they’ve had reviews on any AW profile I’m considering booking.
        Punternet doesn’t have nearly as many reviews, so don’t really look at it.

    1. avatar
      roselexi164 says:

      I’ve only ever had 2 experiences with reverse bookings. One of them worked out well and the other one involved someone using it to haggle and send unsolicited dick pics to me. I’ve yet to have a good experience! I do tend to avoid them. I have browsed before but do find the booking fees suggested can be quite low. I’d be interested to see what it’s like from the requester’s perspective!

      1. avatar
        M says:

        We have problems of serial bidders, those who just bid on every RB going with a obvious copy & paste comment on their bid or no comment at all.
        Barebackers bidding despite the ad saying no barebackers.

        Outcalls tend to do better than incalls on the bidding front because you get a mix of full time escorts plus those who escort part time along side another job or swingers who realise they can get extra cash from their hobby.

        You can get bids from ladies who aren’t on your radar as they’re further afield than your normal search radius but are happy to travel, obviously you get some that a ridiculously too far that are either timewasters or webcammers hoping you’ll do that instead.

        1. avatar
          roselexi164 says:

          Thank you for the insight into them, I honestly had no idea that that was a problem. I agree with the bareback aspect though, it really is a no-go for me, read each one carefully.

          If you could improve on the reverse booking system, what would it be?

          1. avatar
            M says:

            Probably just the ability to block the barebackers & serial bidders from being able to bid on future reverse bookings

  6. avatar
    Richard says:

    I’m interested to know more about what you have learned about men since you started sex work.

    Things like what most women assume about men that are misconceptions?

    Do you feel you’ve got into men’s minds and understand our thoughts process even if it doesn’t make sense to you?

    Have you gained any insights into pleasuring men and what we want?

    Have you also been able to blow any guys minds and pleasure them in ways they haven’t been able to think of?

    I had an experience with a girl recently she didn’t realise how much better it is for a guy edging and holding him back for a more explosive orgasm and ejaculation.

  7. avatar
    M says:

    You don’t hide what you do for a day job on here or on your AW profile. I know you don’t have full face pics, but aren’t you worried that colleagues, parents or students (if you teach secondary ages) may come across your site/profile & figure out who you are?

    1. avatar
      roselexi164 says:

      Thanks for the comment. You’re right that I dont hide it, and I worry constantly and spend a lot of thought on this very topic. Adultwork was never an ‘end game’ for me; sex work isn’t a career for me. I always knew I’d go back to teaching. In fact, I feel that my AW profile is coming to a natural close now (mentioned in my most recent Forbidden Fridays post #16. Eventually, I’ll take the photos down altogether, but I would still like to continue this blog. I’d like to hear your thoughts on this!


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