Have you thought about bringing some sex toys into your naughty antics, but weren’t sure where to start?
This post has been inspired by a recent conversation I had with a couple looking to book a meeting (couple meetings are always quite exciting!).
They mentioned that they don’t really use sex toys in the bedroom, and my suggestion of bringing along my sex toys with me was received warmly.
It made me think that maybe hearing a sex worker’s view on sex toys might actually be welcomed! It’s probably a conversation that isn’t had enough.
As such, here we are.
Let’s get to it.

First and foremost – communication is paramount
Before I get into the meaty part of the post, which I’m sure you’re all on the edge of your seat for, I need to address a very important point. There are some really important communicative points i need to make.
Say it louder for the people in the back (too cringy of a phrase according to Reddit?)
If your partner wants to introduce toys into the bedroom, it is no reflection on you or your performance.
Both through personal experience and through conversations with my friends, I’m dead serious when I say that, categorically, your partner asking to spice things up with toys *does not mean* you’re lacking in bed.
If anything, far from it!

The fact that they have the confidence to bring this up, whereas before they may have been belittled, ridiculed or made to feel bad over the idea, shows a healthy, solid relationship.
They’re not telling you you’re crap in bed. If I want to get a vibrator out with my partner, it’s only to enhance the experience. You just can’t beat that human connection. Solo fun for me fulfills my need at this point, but it doesn’t replace a man next to me.
Secure and confident people in their relationship and themselves literally do not care if you want to bring out a toy or two.
Right. Lecture over, let’s get speaking sex toys.
For Her
Just a few links into my favourite website (yes, no, it’s not Ann Summers, that’s for another entire blog post) shows you the amount of options available when looking for sex toys:

It can and does feel very overwhelming. Lucky for you, your trusty sex worker Lexi Rose is here to help you sift through the crap and focus on the essentials.
Most women (me included) cannot reach orgasm through penetration alone. I found a recent stat that actually under 20% of women CAN come through that alone, even less than I thought originally of one in 3 (33%).
Therefore, clitoris stimulation is really really important to allow her to orgasm.
*Biological science lesson incoming*
Not that you asked for it, but this is what the clitoris actually looks like:

I’ve done an inordinate amount of research around why some women can and can’t orgasm by only being thrusted in, asking for a friend, clearly.
Most women’s biological structure means that our clitoris just doesn’t get the stimulation required to create an orgasm since it is nowhere near the actual vaginal opening. Again, THAT IS OKAY.
Tangent over 😅
The point I’m trying to make here is that sex toys for her, will usually revolve around clitoral stimulation.

Here are my number one recommendations.
Side note: I should probably try and make money from affiliate sales here (where I make a commission if you buy through a link I share) but right now I can’t be arsed to sort that out, so will just include screenshots.
The Bullet
The ultimate clit stimulator. The versatile toy to bring into any situation.
A bullet vibrator usually looks like this:

The shape of a bullet is usually of straight nature, with a potential curved tip to allow your woman to get that tip right underneath the clit.
Some are more powerful than others, some need batteries (damn, the amount of batteries I used to through ha), more recent technology has invented rechargeable bullets.
The bunny
The pinnacle of female vibrators. The ecstacy-inducing full body orgasm that is only possible through both clit and internal vibrators.
My first rabbit (yes, it was from Ann Summers). It was brand-name, I had to go into the shop to buy it, and it was flipping fifty quid, a lot of money back when I was 25.

But I’ve never had another orgasm like it.
The rabbit-type vibrator has a revolving shaft with a vibrating ‘rabbit like’ appendage that envelopes the clit.
The rabbit vibrator generally looks like this:

The latter two in my screenshot focus more one the female G-spot, but that’s another post for another day.
*hint though – find G-spot rabbits. She will melt on the spot within 20 mins*
The bullet with the dildo
The other option you have is to combine a bullet vibrator for her clit orgasm, whilst having a dildo inside her.
Length is not important here, sorry guys. Women do not need length, they need thickness, and only around 3 inches.
If you want to spice things up, get her a thick-arse short dildo, get that bullet on her clit, and watch her pleasure whilst she/you fuck her with the dildo.
The magical wand

I’ve just recently obtained both a wireless wand, and a wired wand.
Now I know why I learned quickly that the plug-in wand needed a towel in between my body and it.
If you’re a man and you want to send your woman into heaven, the wand is for you.
Quick disclaimer: the rechargeable wands take centuries to charge for 45 mins of battery. Get the plug in one. Trust me on this.
That’s it 😬

For Him
Another disclaimer: my experience in male sex toys is significantly lower than that of female sex toys.
But, I do know of a few bits and bobs. Here is what I know:
The cock ring
As a woman, I’ve only had direct experience in cock rings. Heck, I only learned about cock sleeves last week!
Not gonna lie, I’m no flipping expert in this area.
I know of prostrate tools, male G-spot toys and more. But I can’t confidently review them without a male’s perspective.
The reason why I’m talking about the cock ring is that I know it helps to create hardness, that is provides vibration for men that is pleasurable, and sometimes the cock ring stimulates the clit at the same time.
This is what I found doing a quick search:

I can see that these kits involve anal beads, anal penetration for the man, and other stimulae.
So, if you want to bring in male sex toys, as a sex worker, I’m your biggest advocate. I want you to experience pleasure that can be enhanced through toys. Let me help you get to your ecstacy.
Recommended websites to get your sex toys
As I said before, I don’t make any money from you clicking these links, I’m just sharing because it’s where I buy my stuff.
One day I’ll probably turn this blog into the cash-cow it probs could be 😅
Plus, it’s literally only one website.
I found this site after I realised the bloody expense that Ann Summers involves. The best part about Lovehoney is the bulk-buy condoms, lube and knock-off sex toys that work just as well.
Toodle pip
Lexi Rose xx