30 Things That Make Me Happy

Ever wondered what makes me happy? No? Don’t blame you!

But here we are.

This list was surprisingly difficult to finish!

But, I managed it. I thought you might like to know (or not) the 30 things that make me happy. Either way, here it is!

Here we go:

1. Freedom
2. Animals (maybe not snakes though haha)
3. Wine
4. A flat of my own
5. A slither of self confidence (something I’m still working to improve)
6. Smiling

7. Lord of the Rings
8. Any type of fantasy film or game
9. Video games
10. Having the fan on day and night, summer or  winter
11. Making other people happy
12. Talking to a cat and it replies
13. Poking people

14. Being in nature
15. Walking
16. Spicy food, especially Thai and Indian food!
17. Kind people
18. Being kind to others
19. The colour pink

20. Justice for those that have been mistreated
21. Savoury food (packet of crisps always welcome)
22. My small circle of friends
23. Fresh bed sheets
24. Greece: the climate, the people, the food and the history

25. Music
26. Silence
27. Winding down in front of the TV
28. Being loved
29. Salads
30. Long drives in the car

Do any of those surprise you?

I suppose as an escort, I was supposed to write things like, “Being fucked so hard my eyeballs fall out”, or, “My massive revolving dildo” (something I don’t acrually have ha).

I’m not a lewd prostitute all of the time, you know?

Hope you enjoyed!

Ta ra for now

Lexi Rose xx


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