What Was The Last Thing I searched For Online? Why Was I Looking at It?

Another interesting WordPress prompt I wanted to answer.

What was the last thing you searched for online? Why were you looking for it?

Photo credit: conceptphoto.info on Visualhunt.com

As you know, I’m a crap liar/too honest. This means if I get asked a question… My brain will produce verbal/written diarrhea on demand, and won’t stop until it’s satisfied.

Brain-drivel around this question has been initiated.

I do wonder whether any of you reading this even cares what the last thing I searched for online, but, here we are.

Whether you like it or not, I’m going to subject you to knowing what I last searched for and why.

Lucky you! Ha.

Photo credit: Tom Cuppens on VisualHunt
Number one

Since most social media companies don’t like to endorse adult content, i.e. my blog, I needed to do a bit of research around how I could advertise a sex blog without falling foul of being banned from said social media.

I’ve already been on the receiving end of this. X/Twitter doesn’t like my account, Stripe (an online store payment provider) cut me off within a week, even Lovehoney, the website and online shop I love so much, wouldn’t allow me to be an affiliate of theirs. Probably because I’m a current sex worker.

My research pointed towards guest posting on other sex blogs, or paying for advertising on sex blogs.

The result of this was a guest submission to https://www.lucieloves.co.uk/. Wish me luck!

Photo credit: ween23 on Visualhunt.com
Number two

Google Analytics. I’m a nerd for being able to analyse my blog readership. Don’t worry, I don’t know who you are, where you live, or what your name is.

I’m no Liam Neeson starring in Taken, as much as I’d love to be that badass.

But, I can see what pages you like the most and how long you spend reading my blog.

The people-pleasing part of me needs to know this so I can tailor my writing towards the things you like to read about.

Hence why I recently created a poll to pick your brains (you can still take part here).

Here are the opinion poll results so far:

Number three

Penis stuck in a ketchup bottle; evidence below:

Don’t ask, I can’t even remember why.

Number four

Another word for ‘mega’.

This was to do with trying to find a better word for a blog post title other than ‘mega’. I’m not keen on that word, it reminds me too much of the Trump ‘MAGA’ (Make America Great Again). Don’t get me started on that topic.

Anyway, you’ll be pleased to know that I reworded the whole blog title I’d thought of orignally, and came up with Exploring Sexuality – A Guide to Kinks and Fetishes instead. Yay for me.

As always, I’m sure you found this post immensely riveting, and have come away enlightened after reading it.

Much love,

Lexi Rose


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