Have you ever wondered what your cum actually tastes like? Would you want to slurp it up?
As a ‘lady of the night’, there’s no hiding the fact that I come (pun intended) into contact with a lot of man-juice as part of my job.
And, I have to say that, taste and smell varies wildly. I have only been doing this work professionally for a few months now (bar my past stint at university which lasted maybe 10 months, you can read more about that here).

If I could make all semen taste like rosé wine or chocolate, damn right I’d promote the hell out whatever would make it taste like that.
Alas, I know that it’s not possible, so we work with the tools we’ve got.
Side note: please don’t think I’m trying to tell you what to eat. I don’t care if you like your beer/fags/takeaways/whatever else you wanna put inside your body. The hedonist in me will always guide you to selfishly doing whatever makes you happy.
However, if you’ve ever wondered how to make your cum taste better, I have a few ideas. Some of these came from men, too.
If you’d rather digest a video I made to summarise this (yes, I did do this specifically for this post 😂), here it is:
If you’d rather read in full, read on.

What exactly is ‘cum’/semen? Quick biology lesson
First of all, sperm is different to semen. Sperm are the things that latch onto a female egg to make a baby (yes, I meant to sound that condescending), and semen is the liquid that carries the sperm.
Female squirting and female ejaculation are different.
Female squirting is a release of a gushing liquid containing some urine and coming mainly from the bladder.
Female ejaculation contains some of the same components as semen. This includes “the enzymes prostate-specific antigen and prostatic acid phosphatase”. It also contains small amounts of creatinine and urea, urine’s primary components. (Healthline, 2023).
Biology lesson over – good job for making it this far.

Making your cum taste better – what does cum even taste like?
Medical News Today has reported that cum has a bitter, slightly salty, sweet, or metallic taste to it – read more here. What do I think it tastes like? Honestly, I couldn’t even pinpoint the right words to describe it. But, it does vary.
Healthline describes it better than me: taste can vary from person to person, so although semen is generally warm and salty, there will be unique differences in flavor. Read more here.
So what foods/drink actually make your cum taste better?
Okay, the first thing I must say is that there is no conclusive study which confirms that diet affects semen taste or smell. There are studies that confirm that semen QUALITY is increased through certain diets (read here). It’s important to note the difference.
Anyway, let’s talk about the real reason you’re here – how to make your cum taste better. This is anecdotal, but learning about foods to make your cum taste better can’t be a bad thing.

What not to eat:
- garlic
- onions
- broccoli
- cabbage
- leafy greens
- asparagus
- meat and dairy products
Right. You might be thinking, “flippin’ hell, all the things that are good for my body are bad for my semen”. You’d be right. All of those things mentioned above are very good for your body in terms of protein, fibre and nutrients. Definitely do not stop eating these things. Reportedly though, they give your semen a musky and bitter taste.
Other things to consider:
- alcohol
- tobacco
- coffee
- other substances like drugs
It’s very possible that these consumables will have an impact on the taste of your semen.
Finally, hygiene plays a huge part on the taste of your semen. It’s really important to use gentle soap on the area, and possibly trimming the area to help her taste buds.

What you should be eating
Nothing compares to a healthy diet, lifestyle and exercise. But, here are some foods you might want to consider to help your cum taste better:
- celery
- parsley
- wheatgrass
- cinnamon
- nutmeg
- pineapple
- papaya
- oranges
- fish
- chicken
- fruit
- vegetables
- legumes (beans, peas, lentils, peanuts, etc.)
- whole grains
Ultimately, improving your diet will no doubt improve the taste of your cum. Like I said, I’m in no position to tell you what to do and wouldn’t dream of it.
But, I suppose it’s worth a try, isn’t it? Making your cum taste better starts with small changes; there’s no rush.
Here are a few more links if you want to read more:
5 Foods To Eat For Yummier Oral Sex (And 5 To Avoid BIG Time)
Bon(er) Appetit! How to Make Cum Taste Better
How to Make Semen Taste Better
That’s all from me, folks!
Lexi Rose xx