Forbidden Fridays #23

Happy Friday all!

So the last time I wrote a Forbidden Fridays post was on the 20th December 😱 (read here).

It’s been a real struggle, I’ll be honest!

But, lucky for you, dear reader, I’m off for the next week now and I finally feel able to share a few bits and bobs!

I can’t promise this’ll be the most exciting Forbidden Fridays post. I’ll probably ramble a bit, too. But, here goes!

I’ll start with a few naughty, silly and random images that might give you a chuckle.

FYI: sometimes, when I’m looking for interesting things to share, I put a few words into Google and see what images come up. I’ve found a few funny things doing this!

Anyway, today, I thought I’d search ‘As the actress said to the bishop’. Don’t ask me why my brain dolloped this gem out, such is my brain.

Anywayyyyy. One thing led to another and this inconsequential Google search reminded me I have a beaut of a book in my very flat waiting to be opened again.

Off I trotted to fish it out.

Woefully, said book quite literally needed the dust blown off it.

Hopefully there are some reading this post right now that know and love the authors…

I bloody love Viz comics! Roger Profanisaurus is my absolute favourite. This was a Christmas gift many moons ago

I like to open it on a random page and read. I still wonder how the writers come up with their ideas – I bet they laugh from the minute they clock on to the minute they clock off!

For your viewing pleasure:

having a Wilkie n. highlights include your ‘brown ball’ and the ‘bum sink’ ha!
Photo credit: robysaltori on VisualHunt

One more:

one from the top, two from the bottom euph. My favourites inclide: ‘…relaxing in a jobseeker’s way…’ and ‘…massaging your clockweights…’ hahaha

If you’re not familiar with Viz comics and you’ve been living under a stone, here’s their website. I’ve spent many a Christmases crying with laughter reading their articles and profanisaurus definitions out.

Okay, let’s move on.

Image credit: Mr Young Scholar

Final one for today:

Image credit: Mensxp

Okay, that’s all for today!

I’m hoping that putting this together and having some time off work will help me getting writing again. I can’t promise the world, but I’ll try!

Have a great weekend,

Lexi Rose


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