If I Didn’t Need Sleep, What Would I do With all the Extra Time?

I’ve been struggling a bit with inspiration for the blog, but this WordPress prompt piqued my interest!

Have you ever thought about what you’d do with the time you currently spend sleeping? What would you get up to?

If you didn’t need sleep, what would you do with all the extra time?

Here are my thoughts. Some of my ideas have been exaggerated for comic effect, FYI, but I’ll leave that mystery for you to figure out. I’m so complex and clever, aren’t I?

Firstly, I’d make a plan

I’d have so many exciting plans! I’d start with organising my whole life, start to finish. I’d start a small business – a side hustle if you will, finally finish my erotica, build the cats a catio, essentially plan out every single minute of the extra time I’d have.

Really make the most of the extra time.

Photo credit: StevenW Bohm on Visualhunt.com
Then, that plan would go out of the window

After creating a mega to-do list of all of the things I’d want to achieve, I wouldn’t even know where to start.

I tend to get over-excited over the exciting plans I think up. Then, I overthink them.

This leads to one of two things happening. Either I talk myself out of my exciting idea because they were ridiculous and stupid ideas in the first place, or, I start said exciting plan but never finish/follow it through.

After that, I’d panic about having too much time on my hands

I can’t just sit still. My brain is constantly working. It’s why I struggle to sleep and why I can be disorganised.

After I’d had so many exciting plans and either not starting them or starting them and giving up, I’d plonk myself down on the sofa and panic about the time I’d already wasted.

Photo credit: cathredfern on Visualhunt
Then, I’d wallow in my own misery at my lack of using that time wisely

Yes, I know this sounds silly but I know what I’m like. I’d definitely spend some time self-deprecating. Totally normal for a healthy human being, don’t you think?

Finally, I’d probably take a nap through all of the stress at this whole situation

Naps solve everything, don’t they?

But, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to nap. Instead I’d lay in bed thinking about all of the things I wanted to do and how I’d done none of it.

So, in conclusion, it wouldn’t be wise or good for me to have an extra eight hours spare a day.

The end.

Much love,

Lexi Rose



  1. avatar
    Richard says:

    Interesting idea if this was a just me thing I guess I’d have loads of plans of things to do then end up watching TV and doom scrolling through some social media app.

    There have been times when I have been doing hobby stuff enjoying what I’m doing then realising it’s 1am and saying to myself DOH I should go to bed… without the need to sleep I could see myself getting lost in my hobby only stopping to think I’m actually a bit hungry.

    Now if it was an everyone thing I think employers would be wanting to extend everyone’s hours and we would probably move into a true 24hr society where places only close for maintenance. or would the government say we have to allocate time in the day to work and some time to personal life.

    I think this topic has so many levels to it it’s not possible to consider everything all I know is the world would be very different.

    Don’t forget no more dreaming so would the world be more boring?


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