Author: roselexi164


About The Author

Video Updates!

Following my update yesterday (read here), I’ve been making more videos! The first one was to try and summarise my blog: I really like how this has come out. Might change the name of the blog to ‘Life With Lexi Rose’… it’s got a bit of a ring to it! Anyway. This second one I […]

Branching Out? Plus Updates

As I sit here on this rainy, cold Wednesday, I’ve been thinking about the direction I want this blog to go in. You may have also noticed a slight shift in the layout and content of the blog over the past few days. I’ve removed a few pages and made wording changes here and there. […]

Forbidden Fridays #18

Happy Friday all! How has your week been? Hopefully good! For some reason, I’ve been majorly inspired to continue writing The Message – my short erotica. Turns out, it’s not so short after all! I’m putting this down to being back in full time work which has resulted in: So, yeah. I’ve been really enjoying […]

What’s a Topic or Issue about Which You’ve Changed Your Mind?

Another thought-provoking subject for you. As you know, I quite enjoy the WordPress prompts I get through the app, the one I write my posts on. I can choose to respond to their prompts, or not. If you didn’t know, WordPress poses open-ended questions each day that encourages dialogue from their users. It’s very clever, […]

What Books Am I Reading Right Now?

I wanted to take a bit of time out from the usual topics that this sex and erotic blog normally occupies. I’ve done this before, don’t you know? Long-time and regular readers will be accustomed to this by now. I tend to, and like, go off on tangents now and then. Possibly related to neuro-spicy […]

Forbidden Fridays #17

Good evening all and happy Friday! Hope you’ve had a good week? Currently, I’m busy working full time at my day job. Although it’s been knackering and have been walking two to 3 miles a day (yes, my feet have been killing by the end of the day), I’ve really enjoyed it. But, that doesn’t […]

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