Writing this blog, and meeting the people I’ve met so far, has led to some really great conversations, discussions and realisations for me.
I’ve learned a lot about the reasons why people decide to see escorts, I’ve learned about the negativity around it still from both the escort and punter perspective (although it’s better than it used to be), and I’ve learned about my role in the sex industry.
This blog has allowed me to express these thoughts, as well as providing more for the readers. I love to help.
I’m very thankful for that. This blog allows me to address topics that I feel should be discussed more. I’m able to allow my personality to come through, and, so far, the feedback has been great.
I feel like my unique stance, coming from a sex worker, adds a sprinkling of uniqueness that seems to be missing in the sex blog world.

However, I’ve always said that I’m not here to provide a rose-tinted view on escorts. We’re not all ‘rolling in it’, it’s not as exciting as you might think, and comes with huge risk.
This post wasn’t inspired by deep discussions I’ve had with people. It wasn’t inspired by meaningful conversations, nor do I particularly want to write this today.
Actually, the inspiration for this comes from the opposite.
As always, I’m sure that those that are reading this don’t fall into the bracket of people I’m writing this for. If you’ve taken the time to read my blog, you’ve done 1000% more than those I’m addressing today.
But I just had to get this off my chest.
It ties in with what I talked about on the most recent Forbidden Fridays post I wrote mentioning Erobella (read here), and the ridiculous amount of time wasters I’ve been getting.
I’ve also talked about how to book an escort in a past post here.
Allow me to have a bit of a rant today.

The first and most prominent message that highlights how not to talk to an escort, is to ask whether I’m single, and then whether I have kids, or want them. Yes, this was a real conversation I had this week. On the face of it, totally fine. I probably shouldn’t have entertained it as long as I did, though, but, I did.
If we’ve not met before, my guard will be up, and I approach our first conversation/meeting cautiously. It has nothing to do with you whether I have kids. If I choose to tell you, that’s on me.
Oh, but that conversation got worse. This man proceeded to tell me I’m a MILF. I’m 36, I’m not that old, and the MILF label made me feel old. I wasn’t offended, but I did reply as such. Whatever, little man thought I was a MILF.
I promise you when I say this – never in my whole life have I been asked/told/propositioned/whatever it was, like the message I’d received from this little man, ever.

I was told that, after 30, I should be having kids since I’m at the right age. I was then told by my little man friend that he would “give me one”.
I had to re-read that message a few times to figure out what exactly he wanted to give “me one” of. Give me money? Give me chocolate? Give me wine? I’d take those.
He meant he wanted to give me a child. What the actual…? Do men do this? He wanted to get me pregnant.
Oh, but he stated he was clean, too. Yay! He probably thought I’d trot right over to him immediately at this very statement.
Was he gonna get me pregnant and pay child support? Methinks not. He sounded young.
My reply was the most restrained I’ve been in a while:

Notice the length of time between his message and mine. I mulled it over for an hour and a half.
So, yeah.
How not to talk an escort – dont ask to impregnate them with absolutely no intentions of booking anyway. Actually those two things don’t even correlate – there’s no way in hell I’d want to meet you after that conversation.

Next one?
This is my final point for today and includes an umbrella of messages I receive.
When trying to talk/book an escort, don’t ask them to visit a customer’s house that you’re currently working on, whilst the customers are IN THE HOUSE.
Yes, this happened to me this week.
But, I was only told that his customers would be there about an hour before I was due to visit, and I was getting ready. Oh, and to add to this, I was told I would also be ‘done’ against their toilet wall.
Sorry, what? I’m angry even thinking about this.
Yes, I know I’m an escort. People view escorts a certain way.
But, don’t blatantly show me how little you think of me and expect me to be, “Oh, how fantastic! Of course I’ll come see you. Show me the money! Nevermind the elderly couple who will be in the house. Nevermind that I’m expected to walk into the house, past them, and explain to them I’m here to check out the work. Nevermind that I’m going to be degraded and be fucked up against a wall”.

So, yeah.
Other things not to do when talking or wanting to book an escort include:
- Sending dick pics – you’re lucky I don’t reply with a link on advice around micro-penises and ridicule you. Unless that’s your kink and I sense it, then you’re getting nothing.
- Sexual memes – instant block. I don’t have time for stupid things like this.
- Bombard me when I don’t respond – massive turn off.
- Send emotionally blackmailing messages – I’m providing a service and I keep my work and personal life very separate. I’m a professional. I don’t respond to emotionally manipulating messages, ever.
As always, thanks for reading!
Lexi Rose