I wrote a post recently talking about the things that I love about the sex industry.
Today, I’d like to talk about some of the things I don’t love.
I’m probably about to burst a few bubbles here. Being an escort and a newly-started sex blogger absolutely has some fantastic highlights.
But, there are some pretty significant downsides.
If you’ve been sticking around on my blog, you’ll know that honesty is really important to me. I won’t sugar-coat things to make someone else feel more comfortable; I already spent most of my life people-pleasing.
Look away now if you’d rather see escorts glamourised in programmes like ‘Secret Diary of a Call Girl’ or ‘Pretty Woman’ and not have your bubble burst.
If you’re still here, let’s get into the nitty-gritty!

I don’t, and will never, agree with the stigma around the sex industry
In the UK, there is and probably always will be stigma around working in the sex industry, even if you only sell your dirty undies.
My research earlier around selling my dirty underwear to open new avenue streams (yes, I did actually do that haha) still recommended that I create a pseudonym, create a PO box to hide my address, and ensure my own safety. Just to sell my dirty underwear.
When first putting this post together about the stigma attached to sex work in the UK, my mind took me to Amsterdam, in the Netherlands.

Prostitution is decriminalised there (similarly to here in the UK for escorts… being a punter is more complex legally and that’s a post for another day).
But, the sex industry in the Netherlands is much more accepted. People travel there just to experience the red light district. Me included – it’s on my bucket list!
I want to see the ladies in the windows (I’ve heard there is huge variety in shape and size too, something else I love), go to peep shows, and seeing as many live sex shows as possible.
Imagine having those things here in the UK?! There would be absolute uproar! Why are we so prudish? With decriminalisation and acceptance comes safety and less human/sex trafficking.

Not being able to talk to friends or family about the sex industry
I’ve mentioned in previous posts that this blog has probably helped me produce my best writing yet. This is because I’m able to talk about a topic I’m passionate about that doesn’t involve professionaliwm, and I’m anonymous.
But, I can’t tell friends or family about it. At some point I plan on telling my very closest girl friends, the ones I know that won’t judge me, but we’re talking two, if that.
I want to shout from the rooftops that I’ve started this blog. But I can’t, because it leads to my escort page and they will instantly find out.
This point leads me onto my next one.

The sex industry can be lonely
With anonymity comes isolation. Don’t get me wrong, I do have a support system that is very much appreciated.
I have my location shared at all times with someone, who I also message when I get to a job and then when I’m leaving. Something I didn’t have during my university years which was incredibly stupid at the time.
I just wish that I could be more open if it weren’t for the stigma attached to the sex industry.

There is risk involved in the sex industry
There are multiple risks involved for someone working in the ssx industry. I’ve mentioned a few in this post already, but here is a non exhaustive list there I can think of right now:
- Potential violence/death
- Being ‘found out’ before I could address it with those involved
- Health risks – STIs and HIV, something I take extremely seriously
- Burn out – escorting is intense and requires full focus and attention
- Damaged reputation
- Damaged future job opportunities
- Potential stalking or harassment
- Lack of financial stability
- Not being able to access professional support through fear of judgment
I’m sure there are more.

That’s all I’ve got for today!
Like I said earlier, there are some real positives to being a sex worker and also writing this blog.
This blog fulfils a huge part of me. But, I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you about the negatives. It’s not all flowers and roses.
Most of the people I talk to understand the risks involved and I have their utmost respect. Just like they have my utmost respect for being honest with me and reading this blog.
There you have it!
Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments below.
I’d love to hear them (you can put whatever name you want and your email is only to receive replies – I don’t even see it).
Much love,
Lexi Rose xx