Have you ever wondered what an escort carries around with her? Maybe you’ve noticed that I talk about my ‘bag of tricks’ on my AW profile and wondered what was in it?
Read on to find out what I’ve got in it!
Since starting up escorting in the past six months, I’ve had a number of issues with what items belong in my ‘work equipment’ bag, my sexy toolbag, my escort toolkit, whatever you want to call it.

Firstly, I knew I needed a separate bag to carry specific escort-type items. The bag I decided upon was meant to be a gym bag, but we’re not all perfect 😂
Secondly, I have undiagnosed ADHD (waiting for an assessment through my GP – a post for another day). Organising that bag, putting things in that bag that I needed, and finally, remembering that bag in the first place, have all been major challenges for me.
I seem to be getting better at that now, mainly because my bag is packed and ready, and it usually stays in the car.
So. What exactly do I keep in my ever-expanding gym-cum-sex-bag?

Let’s break it down:
Lingerie, including stockings/hold ups, suspender belts, nightwear, body stockings and outfits found in my main gallery on AW.
If I wore my hold ups every day, I’d be buying a pack everyday. They rip like nobody’s business. But, I do try to keep some in my bag at all times. They do look sexy, and they are requested.
After that, I’ve got a selection of nightwear which includes a white chemise, a body stocking, some see-through underwear/skirts, a leather-type outfit, and a few cheesy/slutty outfits. I also carry nice dresses and pencil skirts in there, just in case.
A ridiculous amount of condoms in different sizes
I’ve been given condoms (which were very gratefully received!), but I’ve also spent a ridiculous amount on condoms. I’ve got extra safe, thin feel, large, and some from Amazon that ended up looking like they would just about fit a Peperami.
For your info, see image below:

I have condoms for every shape and size.
I’ve never ordered a 100-pack of condoms before, until 2 weeks ago 😂

Lube. Lots of lube
Contrary to popular belief, lube is king. I think I’ve got 3 types of lube in my bag now, and I’m not ashamed to whip it out during any client meeting. It only adds to the slippery fun we can have.
*Look away or scroll through if you would rather not hear an uncomfortable truth about escorting (for me) back in the early 2010s*
When I first did escorting during uni back in the 2010s, the advice I was given was to lube up in the toilet right before meeting a client.
That way, my client would think I was already soaking wet for the job. Lulling them into a false sense of security. Back then, I was so ridiculously nervous that I needed to do that. Otherwise, I’d end up sore and in pain.
*Uncomfortable truth over*
Nowadays, I do no such thing. Most of the time I don’t need it. I’m much more open about what turns me on, and it seems that men are much more open and wanting to turn me on. I wouldn’t trade the confidence I have now to be young for anything.
But, I like having it there, just in case. Everybody I’ve met so far (because they are mature human beings) knows that lube only makes things more slippery and it’s just more fun overall.
It should in no way be seen as an ego-burster. If it does, you might want to do a bit of reading around the topic.

This is a recent occurrence. I wouldn’t have thought to include this in my escort toolbox had I not realised I quite like giving massages. I’ve said before that my role as an escort allows me to make people happy, which makes me happy. Giving massages is another aspect of that. So I now carry moisturiser (baby oil is next on my list, don’t worry).
I’ve been investing in my sex toy repertoire over the past few months. Some have been gifts (very gratefully received again), and some have been bought for myself.
I’ve got:
- The plug in wand
- The remote controlled wand
- Bullet vibrators
- Vibrating dildos. Each of these have their own positives and negatives and one day I’ll review them all.
But, I do now carry these around with me in my bag of tricks/escort toolkit. I LOVE showing people what’s in my bag, and I usually get a lot of intrigue around it.
I could and would talk for hours dismantling my sexy toolbag.
For now though, I’ll wrap it up there.
Is there anything else you think I should include in my escort toolbox?
I look forward to the day when I have to upgrade from a bag to a mini suitcase!
**Quick update**
It’s been recommended that I should invent in water-based lube and moisturiser. Thank you to those that have been in touch! I’ll definitely bear this in mind and invest. ❤️
Ta ra, my loves
Lexi Rose xx