Quick Update

Hi all,

Firstly, yes, I’m still alive, incase you were wondering.

Secondly, I’ve really struggled to even log in to WordPress and my hosting (how I run this blog), let alone write a blog post.

Before, I’d log in daily to check out page views, read and reply to comments, find inspiration for blog posts, and much more.

Yet, you and I find ourselves here, following a pretty major radio silence.

Thank you so much for being here to read this, I appreciate you.

Also, some of you, my lovely readers, are still waiting for part five of what was supposed to be my short my erotica story. I promise I’ll put pen to paper as soon as I can!

Anyway, I’ve decided to create a Forbidden Fridays post, like I always used to.

Stay tuned!

Lexi Rose


Photo credit: unconventional_paint on Visualhunt.com

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