Welcome to another instalment of Forbidden Fridays!
If you’re new here, every Friday, I share naughty findings whilst browsing the good ol’ internet.
It’s wild out there!
Let’s get stuck in.

Sometimes we all need a bit of light spanking!

I use Visualhunt for all of my blog post images. It’s a fantastic website with millions of images at your disposal.

The best part for me is the marvelously ‘concentrated description’. That gave me a chuckle!
In line with the above meme, Ann Summers Blog has a quite an in-depth article all about how to last longer in bed. Suggestions include using s cock ring, the ‘stop-start’ method, and more.
If you’ve been keeping up to date with the US presidential debates, you might have heard about the ridiculous sound-bite from Trump.
I won’t get into that (it’s all over the news and social media influencers have already got it covered, so no need for me to flog a dead horse).
If you know, this should tickle you:

I only just discovered this website today – ohjoysextoy.com.
Over there, the writers and comic designers create sex education and sex positive comics that are accessible to all.
Since I’ve been sharing a few things along the lines of length of performance, this comic of theirs felt relevant.
Brian Box Brown (the author) educates around the stress caused by the man finishing in ‘2 minutes’. We’re talking premature ejaculation.
Have a read, the message is important.

That’s all for today!
Have a fab weekend, hopefully see some of you soon 😉
Lexi Rose xx