Welcome to week twelve of the series I write every Friday. I hope you’ve enjoyed them so far!
A little update that I shared this week was that I finally got around to sending out my first newsletter email!
I probably rambled on a bit too much, but did share some pictures from my private gallery on Adultwork too.
If you want to be in on this action, you can enter your details when the pop up comes up, or pop your details into the box on the blog. Or, click here to read the view brief blog post I wrote which has the form included.

Anyway, moving on!
I’m back working full time now, too. I’m really enjoying getting up early each morning. Yeah, I know, who even says that?! Someone that has missed the routine and a purpose, that’s for sure!
The reason I bring this up is that it means I’ve had to cut back on my ‘other activities’ to weekends only. Just wanted to let you know!
That’s my little life updates over, let’s get into my naughty findings!
This week is dedicated to pictures only 😁

That’s all for tonight – hope you’ve enjoyed the memes!
Lexi Rose