4 Ideas to Increase Your Libido Naturally

Have you ever wondered how you might go about increasing your libido naturally?

Our libido can be affected by lots of different things. A quick search of the NHS website around loss of libido shows some of the things that can affect it:

  • relationship problems
  • stress, anxiety or depression
  • sexual problems like erectile dysfunction or vaginal dryness
  • pregnancy and having a baby – your hormone levels change when you’re pregnant, and looking after a baby can be stressful and tiring
  • lower hormone levels as you get older, particularly during the menopause
  • taking certain medicines, such as medicine for high blood pressure or antidepressants
  • using hormonal contraception like the pill, patch or implant
  • drinking too much alcohol

Not only this, but when both men and women reach their 50s libido does naturally decline as our hormones naturally decrease. This is because we’re physically not designed to be able to have children at this age.

That’s not to say we shouldn’t stop enjoying ourselves! In fact, most if my clients tend to be 35 and up.

Plus, loss of libido is probably much more common than you realise.

So, I thought I’d put together a post around how to increase your libido using natural ways, including some explanations on whay might cause it.

Some of these are going to seem quite obvious, but they are all worth a try.

In that vein, I’m not a doctor or medical professional. If loss of libido is worrying you/affecting your quality of life, I’d definitely recommend going to your doctor. The NHS can offer a number of treatments to help.

Also, I’m not saying that the things I mention in this post are going to magically allow you to get your libido back, either. Increasing your libido could be a slow process and a holistic approach (trying lots of things in a well-rounded way) might be beneficial.

So, let’s get stuck in.

Photo credit: Mark Dries on VisualHunt

1. Eating a healthy diet

We all know that eating a healthy diet can have big benefits to how we feel, both inside and out.

Now. I’m not saying I’m perfect in any way. We all love our treats. According to my BMI, I’m classed as obese! I might not look it, but I’m definitely on the heavier side, and something I’m working on!

But, did you know there are certain foods that can help your libido? Here are some examples:

Apples: apples have potassium in them, which helps with blood circulation

  • Oysters (if you are a fan of seafood): oysters contain zinc which are known to have some sexuall benefits
  • Brazil nuts: these nuts contain minerals that may help with sperm production
  • Watermelon: contains minerals that may help with erectile dysfunction
  • Avocados: for women, avocados contain B6 which can help with premenstrual symptoms
  • Chocolate: helps to release serotonin which can increase happiness and general wellbeing

If you’re a man and want to read more about what other food you could try, Piedmont.org has a useful article here.

Photo credit: AstridWestvang on VisualHunt

2. Change in medication/starting a new medication

I’ve been on the other end of this. For women, changing the contraceptive pill can really impact their libido. Any changes in hormonal medication can increase or decrease libido.

In addition to this, changes to blood pressure or antidepressants can also have an impact on your libido. Having to go onto a new medication, or changing a medication will be because of a number of things.

Changes to your lifestyle, confidence and self esteem might be just a few things that warrant a new or change in medication. As mentioned above,

I’m most definitely not a medical professional so I would highly recommend talking to your doctor and talking through your worries with them.

Photo credit: Mario A. P. on VisualHunt.com

3. Try to reduce your alcohol intake

Again, I’m not saint. During my uni years, and during particularly low points of my life, I turned to drink to quiet my brain and actually be able to feel normal for a while. I even signed up to an app to track my sober days when I felt my drinking was too out of control.

So I’m most definitely not getting on a high horse here to look down on those that enjoy a drink. I still do, and struggle to stay anywhere near the recommended daily units the NHS says we should be drinking sometimes.

I used to blame my stressful job as a teacher, but I’m learning it’s more due to an unhealthy coping  strategy I have, as well as being tied with ADHD (people with ADHD have higher risks of addiction to alcohol and substances).

But, on the days I don’t drink, or only drink a little, I always feel better for it the next day. Things feel more manageable, the children don’t test my patience at school so much, and I’m more likely to want to treat my body better that day.

Not only this, but drinking maks it harder for me to reach orgasm. To the point where I get frustrated at myself, leading down a negative thought pattern that none of us needs! I’m hard enough on myself as it is.

Replacing an alcoholic drink with a non alcoholic one is a good technique I know some people do, or finding something else to do when you might be sat in front of the TV with your beer/wine/spirit, etc. is worth a try.

Photo credit: Ann Althouse on VisualHunt

4. Encouraging and increasing communication

I’ve talked before about the importance of communication when it comes to your sex life. This doesn’t just apply when it comes to your sexual partners, either.

Being able to express what you enjoy and don’t enjoy is key in any kind of relationship. You can read more here:

Exploring Sexuality – A Guide to Kinks and Fetishes

What’s a Topic or Issue About Which You’ve Changed Your Mind?

Dirty Dialogues: How to Not Feel Silly During Dirty Talk

What a Woman Wants to Hear In Bed

Saying that, talking about how you’re feeling (I’m talking to you, men!) is really, really important, too. I know it’s easier said than done, I really do.

But, there’s a reason why suicide rates are much higher in men than in women. I’m talking the perceived ego or how you think you’re being viewed by others, societal pressures, and the patriarchal system we live in, to name a few.

So, if you don’t feel confident in having healthy communication around your sexual desires, start off small. Practice talking about your feelings with a trusted person. It doesn’t need to be sexual.

As an escort, some people look to me for advice, some look to me to try new things, and some are looking for a human connection that they have been missing, but that list isn’t exhaustive.

Photo credit: galigul on Visualhunt

If you feel like you’d want to explore some of your ideas in a safe, discreet environment, feel free to get in touch. Visit my contact me here to find out how, or send me a WhatsApp using the green button.

There is plenty more I could say on this subject, but this post is pushing 1200 words and I thought I’d best not ramble on haha!

Let me know your thoughts ❤️


Lexi Rose



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